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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價217.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$173.6
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100.00  元
HK$ 100  

  • 叢書系列:逗陣影音館
  • 規格:DVD / 176頁 / 12.5 x 14.2 cm / 普通級

  • 藝術設計 > 戲劇 > 各類戲劇 > 東方戲劇

      《佘賽花招親》(行圍) 五代末,楊滾、佘洪同在北漢為臣,佘洪有女賽花,美而能武,楊滾欲替其子繼業求親,佘洪猶豫。一日,佘賽花射獵,巧遇楊繼業,兩人互相愛慕,暗訂終身。 《楊繼業碰碑》 楊令公兵困兩狼山,夜夢七郎冤魂,命子六郎延昭突圍回朝求救,己則單身殺至蘇武廟,見李陵碑,大罵一場,碰碑而死。 《楊六郎狀元媒》(宮中) 宋王攜柴郡主郊外射獵,遇番將巴若里犯駕,宋王落馬,柴郡主被擄,適楊六郎延昭探母路過潼台,救了柴郡主。不想宋王誤以為救駕者為傅丁奎,許以郡主婚事,幸有八賢王趙德芳及新科狀元呂蒙正從中周旋,楊六郎與柴郡主終得宋王主婚,締結良緣。 《穆桂英捧印》 佘太君辭朝返回河東故里,二十年後,西夏造反,宋王命穆桂英掛帥出征。穆桂英年過半百,念及國家危亡,頓然振奮,更鎧甲,點眾將,率領大軍出征。

      She Sai-hua Hunting for a Husband (The Hunting) At the end of the Five Dynasties, both Yang Gun and She Hong serve as officials for the Northern Han. She Hong has a daughter named Sai-hua, a beautiful girl who is skilled in martial arts fighting. Yang Gun proposes his son Ji-yie to marry Sai-hua, but She Hong is hesitant. One day, She Sai-hua encounters Yang Ji-yie while hunting. The two fall in love at first sight and become secretly engaged. Yang Ji-yie Dashing Headlong into the Stone Tablet When Yang Ling-gong and his troop are besieged at Mount Liang-lang, he dreams of his seventh son Qi-lang who died unjustly that night. The next morning he orders his sixth son Liu-lang to break the siege and ask for help from the imperial court. He stays behind and fights relentlessly all the way to Su Wu Temple. At the temple, when he sees the Monument of Li Ling he rains curses upon his enemy before killing himself by dashing headlong into the stone tablet. The Zhaung-yuan Matchmaker of Yang Liu-lang (In the Palace) When the Song emperor and his sister Princess Chai go hunting, General Ba Rou-li of the Northern tribe launches an attack. As a result, the Song emperor falls from his mount, and Princess Chai is abducted. Coincidentally, Yang Liu-lang (Yan-zhao) is on his way to visit his mother, and he rescues Princess Chai at Tong-tai. However, the Song emperor errs by thinking it is Fu Ding-kuei who saved the princess and proposes to marry the two. Luckily, through the intercession of Zhao De-fang, the Eighth Prince, and Lu Mong, the new Zhaung-yuan Scholar, Yang Liu-lang and Princess Chai finally wed with the emperor presiding over their wedding ceremony. Mu Guei-ying as the Commander Lady She withdraws from the imperial court to return to her hometown in the east of the river. Twenty years later, with the revolt of West Xia, the Song emperor orders Mu Guei-ying to serve as the commander to lead the army to retaliate. Mu Guei-ying, though more than fifty years old, takes on the duty to save her country. She dons the commander’s armor and leads her troops to fight against the enemy.

    其 他 著 作
    1. 《白水》DVD
    2. 《求你騙騙我》[USB/盒裝]
    3. 從淚水到希望:法國導演眼中的歌仔戲藝師廖瓊枝[USB/盒裝]
    4. 梆聲傳唱:臺灣豫劇70年
    5. 蘭若寺[DVD/二版]
    6. 慈禧與珍妃[DVD二版]
    7. 長生殿(DVD)
    8. 雪弟恨(DVD)
    9. 藝術薪傳北管榮光:重要傳統表演藝術北管音樂保存者-邱火榮(DVD)
    10. 《曹公外傳》DVD