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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介


100.00  元
HK$ 100  

  • 叢書系列:逗陣影音館
  • 規格:DVD / 13.5 x 19 cm / 普通級

  • 藝術設計 > 戲劇 > 各類戲劇 > 東方戲劇

      臺灣豫劇團「王海玲經典傳承計畫」 豫劇花旦看家戲 國家文藝獎得主 王海玲 傾囊相授 小天后 蕭揚玲 單挑全本 劉建華、謝文琪、林文瑋 聯合主演 直爽千金女漢子,巧言說媒,喜結姻眷。 落跑新娘逆轉勝,花開並蒂,親上加親。 經典豫劇《香囊記》又名《抬花轎》、《文武換親》,其特色是「唱、念、做」數項技藝並重,乃是豫劇花旦必修戲碼。此劇敘述一位心直口快、活潑風趣、熱心助人的女子周桂蘭,待嫁、出嫁及熱心促成「文武換親」美事的喜劇情節。觀戲重點在於周桂蘭出嫁途中,山路顛簸,又遇轎夫捉弄,演員以身段、隊形模擬抬轎現況,展現絕佳默契;其中「嗩吶」的演奏支撐了全戲韻律,也凸顯出豫劇的音樂特色。

      Taiwan Bangzi Inheritance Project of Hai-ling Wang’s Classic Works The Romance of the Embroidered Sachet A classic of Bangzi opera, featuring the hua dan (young, female role) Artistic supervision by Hai-ling Wang, winner of the National Award for Arts Bangzi opera’s “Little Queen” Yang-ling Hsiao leads the performance, co-starring Chien-hua Liu, Wen-chi Hsieh, and Wun-wei Lin. See a straightforward noble lady who returned her maiden home soon after her wedding. See how she helps her brother find his better half after clever matchmaking, bringing another blessing for the family. Also known as Carrying the Sedan Chair or The Marriage Exchange, The Romance of the Embroidered Sachet is one of the classic Bangzi operas every performer of young female roles needs to master. The part of Guei-lan Chou provides a wide-ranging showcase for the actors skills in singing, speaking, and movement. The heroine of this comedy – outspoken, vivacious, witty, and ready to lend a helping hand – awaits her own marriage, meets her mate, and then helps complete “The Marriage Exchange” by arranging a further match between the two families. One of the highpoints of this opera features the sedan chair that will carry Guei-lan to her wedding. The bumpy mountain roads, the teasing humor of the sedan chair carriers are all rendered with lively movements and ensemble precision. The sound of suona music anchors the opera, whose score is permeated with the special qualities of Bangzi opera.

    其 他 著 作
    1. 《白水》DVD
    2. 《求你騙騙我》[USB/盒裝]
    3. 梆聲傳唱:臺灣豫劇70年
    4. 蘭若寺[DVD/二版]
    5. 慈禧與珍妃[DVD二版]
    6. 《曹公外傳》DVD
    7. 《閻惜姣》DVD
    8. 《白蓮花》DVD
    9. 龍袍DVD
    10. 紅娘DVD