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Economic Explanation:張五常英語論文選

400.00  元
HK$ 360  

* 規格:精裝 / 808頁 / 16.5*24cm / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣

語言學習 > 英語 > 寫作/翻譯








Foreword by Ronald H. Coase

I. Three Lectures
1.Economic Explanation:Let Us Ride with Surging Tide
2.Deng Xiaoping’s Great Transformation
3.The Transaction Costs Paradigm

II. Contract Theory:from Sharecropping to the Firm
4.Private Property Rights and Sharecropping
5.Transaction Costs, Risk Aversion, and the Choice of Contractual Arrangements
6.The Structure of a Contract and the Theory of a Non-Exclusive Resource
7.The Contractual Nature of the Firm
8.Economic Organization and Transaction Costs
9.On the New Institutional Economics

III. Social Cost Theory
10.Coase, Ronald Harry
11.The Fable of the Bees:An Economic Investigation
12.The Theory of Inter-Individual Effects and the Demand for Contracts
13.The Myth of Social Cost

IV. Intricate Pricing Arrangements
14.The Enforcement of Property Rights in Children, and the Marriage Contract
15.Rsoe Bowl vs. Hong Kong:The Economics of Seat Pricing
16.Commodity Futures:On the Distinction between Commodity Exchange and Crude Oil Ecchange

V. Price and Rent Controls
17.A Theory of Price Control
18.Roofs or Stars:The Stated Intents and Actual Effects of a Rents Ordinance
19.Rent Control and Housing Reconstruction:The Postwar Experience of Prewar Premises in Hong Kong

VI. Intellectual Property Rights
20.Property Rights and Invention
VI.China’s Economic Reforms
21.Irving Fisher and the Red Guards
22.Will China Go Capitalist?
23.China in Transition:Where Is She Heading Now?
24.Privatization vs. Special Interests:The Experience of China’s Economic Reforms
25.Economic Interactions:China vis-a-vis Hong Kong

VII. Political Economics
26.Why Is There a Lack of Freedom Under Communism?
27.A Simplistic General Equilibrium Theory of Corruption
28.The Curse of Democracy as an Instrument of Reform in Collapsed Communist Economies
29.Common Property Rights

VIII. Newspaper Commentaries
30.China’s Ten Black Marks
31.From China Maids to Rents-a-Slave
32.Learn From China Experience
33.On the Wrong Wave Length


其 他 著 作
1. 重尋無處:五常行遊錄
2. 多難登臨錄:金融危機與中國前景
3. 中國的經濟制度
4. 五常問答室
5. 經濟學的缺環
6. 學問無界說
7. 五常學經濟
8. 中國的前景
9. 經濟大觀園
10. 光的藝術