Rocket Boys (Paperback)
作 者 : Homer Hickam
出版社 : Delta Publishing
發行日 : 2000年1月01日
分 類 : >
原 價 : 140.00 元
特 價:
133 元 省下7 元
With the grace of a natural storyteller, Homer Hickam looks back after a distinguished NASA career to tell his own true story of growing up in a dying coal town and of how, against the odds, he made his dream
Pretending the Bed is a Raft (Paperback)
作 者 : Nanci Kincaid
出版社 : Delta Publishing
發行日 : 1998年10月01日
分 類 : >
原 價 : 382.00 元
特 價:
362.9 元 省下19.1 元
"Women always know more about the facts of life because most of the facts happen to women," writes a mother to her daughter in the title story of this breathtaking collection, which goes on to prove just that