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117.00  元
HK$ 99.45  

  • 叢書系列:M(西南財經-新)
  • 規格:平裝 / 162頁 / 17 x 23 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 管理類 > 國際貿易



    PART ONE Amazing Introduction and Overview .......... (1)

    CHAPTER 1 Amazing Introduction and Globalization ......... (3)

    I. WHO


    Case: Senior VP- the Glass Ceiling of a Chinese in World Top TNCs

    Reading Material: International Business Career Requirement


    Reading Material: Diversified International Market: Middle East


    Case: Export 「Air」-China Carbon Market (2013)

    IV. HOW

    Extended Reading

    V. WHY

    Extended Reading


    PART TWO Country Difference .................. (13)

    CHAPTER 2 National Differences in Political Economy ........ (15)

    Case: Fight Between Dragon and Elephant (2012)

    Extension Case: Huawei Exit USA Forever (2013)

    Case: Ecuador Confiscated 99% Oil Profit of Foreign Companies

    Extension Case: Grey Customs Clearance Leads Chinese Businesspeople to Bankrupt(2009)

    Case: TCM Firm Tries to Survive EU Ban (2011)

    CHAPTER 3 Difference in Culture ................. (23)

    Case: Gay Wife of Iceland’s Female Prime Minister Visits Beijing (2013)

    & Saudi Arabia Bans 「Gays,Tom-boys」from Schools (2012)

    Case: 「Happy Life」of Norway Mass Killer (2011)

    Extended Reading: Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Fact or Farce?

    International Success Tips: Business Meeting Gifts

    CHAPTER 4 Ethics in International Business ............ (29)

    Case: Underlying Rules of TNCs:

    —Bribery Scandals: GSK (2013) VS Siemens (2008)

    Extended Reading: What Is a Country’s 「Corruption Perception Index」(CPI) ?

    Case: Deadline of Global Tax Heavens (2010)

    Extension Case: Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) 2014 (肥貓法)

    Case: Monsato: GMO Monopoly Worldwide

    Case: Coca-Cola Has Donated More Than $ 3. 2 Million to Defeat GMO Labeling: Boy-

    cott the Soda Empire (2014)

    Case: Over Two Million UK Public Sector Workers Strike (2011)

    Case: Thailand’s $ 7 Billion Global Seafood Industry Runs on Brutal Slave Labor (2014)


    PART THREE The Global Trade and Investment Environment .. (47)

    CHAPTER 5 International Trade Theory .............. (49)

    Case: New Mercantilism?

    Case: Financial Arbitrage Via Hong Kong/ China Trade Is Expanding (2016)

    CHAPTER 6 The Political Economy of International Trade ...... (52)

    Case: Zero-Tariff Plan by USA (2002)

    Case: Sino-African Trade & Investment Boom

    Case: Farmers Defend Controversial EU Subsidies (2010-2013)

    Extended Reading: Is JP Morgan a Farmer?

    Case: Esquel Search Import Quotas Worldwide

    CHAPTER 7 Foreign Direct Investment ............... (58)

    Case: From JV to Whole-Owned Subsidiary ( 2002)

    Case: Shanghai Auto M&A Ssangyong Motor Korea (2009) —4000 million Loss

    Case: CFIUS-Foe of Chinese TNCs (2012)

    Case: CHALCO M&A Rio Rinto : Failure and Lessons

    Extended Reading: Rio Tinto Espionage Case

    Case: FDI & OFDI of China (2013)

    CHAPTER 8 Regional Economic Integration ............. (65)

    Case: Shanghai FTZ (2013)

    Extended Reading: China- ASEAN FTA (2010)

    Extended Reading: CEPA (2003)


    PART FOUR The Global Monetary System ............ (69)

    CHAPTER 9 The Foreign Exchange Market ............. (71)

    Case: Samsung Hedging Strategy Technical Analyst (2012)

    Case: Soros Attack JPY (2013),HKD (2007) & GBP (1992)

    Extended Reading: Linked Exchange Rate System in Hong Kong

    CHAPTER 10 The International Monetary System .......... (76)

    Case: IMF Does More Harm than Good? (2014)

    Extension Case: BRICs Set Up its Own IMF? (2014)

    Case: New Reserve Currency to Challenge the Dollar (2011)

    Case: RMB to Be Third Largest International Currency by 2020 (2014)

    Case: $ 4 Trillion International Reserves Dilemma (2014)

    Case: Chinese Grandma: GoldRollercoaster ( 2013-2014)

    CHAPTER 11 The Global Capital Market .............. (83)

    Case: China’s Banking Pick Up Strategic Investors (2005&2011)

    Case: Alibaba Listing—The Largest IPO in USA (2014)

    Extension Case: LDK listing in USA and Bankruptcy (2013)

    Case: KODA ( Knock Out Discount Accumulator) 累積期權

    —the Billionaire Killer


    PART FIVE The Strategy and Structure of International Business................................. (91)

    CHAPTER 12 The Strategy of International Business ......... (93)

    Case: Huawei Tunes Strategy to Stay Ahead in Europe (2013)

    Case: Haier: Innovation and Globalization Strategy (2005)

    Case: How did Lenovo Become the World’s Biggest Computer Company? (2013)

    CHAPTER 13 The Structure of International Business ........ (99)

    Case: Dual-Structure of TNCs in China: Conflicts and Dilemma

    Case: Matrix : From the Best to Give-up

    Extended Reading: GIE (Global Integrated Enterprise)

    —Discuss How IMB Saved 45 Million USD

    Extended Reading Book: Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance?

    CHAPTER 14 Entry Strategy and Alliance ............. (104)

    Case: Airline Alliance

    Case: McDonald & KFC

    Extended Reading: Franchising


    PART SIX International Business Operations ........... (109)

    CHAPTER 15 Exporting,Importing and Countertrade ........ (111)

    Case: China Restart Barter Trade of Petroleum (2007)

    Case: China Factories Suffered from Export Fall (2014)

    Extended Reading: Tax Refund in China

    Extended Reading: Export Hands-on Experiences

    International Success Tip: Specimen Copy of Agreement

    CHAPTER 16 Global Production,Outsourcing and Logistics ..... (121)

    Case: Wal-mart: Keys to Successful Supply Chain Management

    Extended Reading: Virtual Enterprise

    CHAPTER 17 Global Marketing and R&D ............. (125)

    Case: Suppliers & Channel: Win-win or Zero-sum?

    Case: The Rebel of Nokia Channel Members (2011)

    Case: Fantastic Price Escalation (2014)

    Case: Carrefour Exited Worldwide?

    International Success Tips: The International Takeoff of New Products:

    —the Role of Economics,Culture and Country Innovativeness

    CHAPTER 18 Global Human Resource Management ........ (130)

    Case: Expatriate Failure: Time to Abandon?

    Case: Dell Executives Flee to Lenovo (2013)

    CHAPTER 19 Accounting in the International Business ....... (133)

    Case : Lever Temptation + Regulatory Indulgence:

    —Wall Street Fall on His Hands (2008)

    Case: Enron Scandal (2001): Audit Failure

    Case: BP: From Oil Spilling to Financial Reform Killing (2010)

    Case: Ernst & Young Caught in Tax Evasion ( 2013)

    Case: Entrepreneur Accused of Biggest-Ever Tax Scam (2013)

    —Telecom Investor Charged with Failing to Pay $ 200 Million

    CHAPTER 20 Financial Management in the International Business .. (144)

    Case: What’s Going Wrong at Sears Now? (2014)

    Extended Reading: Corporate Finance and Career Requirements


      International Business is quite a complex operation,involving an understanding of both the theoretical aspect and practical aspect. International Business comprises all commercial transac- tions (private and governmental,sales,investments,logistics,and transportation) that take place between two or more regions,countries and nations beyond their political boundaries. U-sually,private companies undertake such transactions for profit;governments undertake them for profit and for political reasons. It refers to all those business activities which involve cross border transactions of goods,services,resources between two or more nations. Transaction of e-conomic resources include capital,skills,people etc. for international production of physical goods and services such as finance,banking,insurance,construction etc.

      Areas of study within this topic include differences in legal systems,political systems,e-conomic policy,language,accounting standards,labor standards,living standards,environ-mental standards,local culture,corporate culture,foreign exchange market,tariffs,import and export regulations,trade agreements,FPI,FDI,TNCs management and many more top-ics. Each of these factors requires significant changes in how individual business units operate from one country to the next.

      I would like to extend a personal welcome to you. Because the 「International Business: Cases,Reading Materials and Exercises」provide a unique and excellent experience of and in- vestigation into international business. In this case-study materials,we have invested hundreds of hours creating a series of dynamic and valuable resources for international business students, international business people and teachers at international business schools. We believe you’ll find this case-study material is an excellent resource for a variety of your global business ques-tions and needs,with particular focus on those topics unique to working in the international business arena.

      International Business: Cases,Reading Materials and Exercises offers a well balanced program of cases,reading materials,on-line resources,discussion questions etc.,providing a thorough understanding of international business and broader management subjects,which are then applied to the dynamics of an international environment. The program has been designed specifically to equip you with the knowledge,skills and in-filed tactics which you need to pur- sue a career in an international ( or domestic) business setting,whether that means workingwith a large multi-national,a smaller company or even your own business. Teaching on the full-time program involves a combination of formal lectures,group discussions,tutorials,seminars and directed reading.


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