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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價93.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$74.4
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100.00  元
HK$ 90  

  • 叢書系列:逗陣影音館
  • 規格:DVD / 183頁 / 13.5 x 19 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 政府出版品 > 影音產品 > 傳統藝術

      一場伶人與A.I.的囈語 形塑萬千世界探尋本真 我們的一生,都是表演。世間上每一個人,都是演員。 每一個人都渴望救贖,都曾經在心裡有著一份扣問、一份呼喚。無論是對人、對神、對佛、對上帝、對阿拉、對宇宙,對菩薩……。 世間的一切既是扮演,也是由這世界的全體演員所創造,我們所求的一切,也都是從「相對」的「我」,去理解「絕對」的一切。祈求、扣問的同時,角色扮演便已經存在。透過扮演建造的世界,就像是一個「虛擬實境」。 夢與真實之間、問題與答案之間、觀與被觀之間,充滿流轉的可能。 《觀•音》以現代人常用的數位網絡作為敘事主題,巧妙融合王海玲曾形塑過的經典角色,加入科學元素與科技媒材,導入多維空間、虛擬實境等概念,結合傳統的宗教觀與現代的心靈修行思惟,重新探索「觀音」的意涵。讓無限可能的想像力,與無窮盡的排列組合帶領觀眾們開啟一場穿越古今、橫跨時空的精采遨遊。 演員的生命因舞臺而絢爛,王海玲老師在公職將屆滿時,為您獻上《觀•音》。但這ㄧ切只是暫別,回眸過往亦實亦虛。

      An actress and an A.I. converse in dream, Creating a multiverse in the search for one’s self. Our life is like a performance, and everyone in the world is a performer. Everyone yearns for redemption. In our minds, we by turns question and implore other people, deities, Buddha, God, Allah, the universe, bodhisattva … All the world is a performance, created by all the performers in the world. And with all of our questions, our subjective selves are striving to understand the absolute. We play a part with our prayers and question. The world, steeped in roleplaying, is truly a “virtual reality”. The gap between dreams and reality, between questions and answers, between observers and the observed, overflows with possibilities. Guan˙Yin takes as it theme today’s digital networks. Ingeniously blending in the classic roles of Yuju opera actress Wang Hai-ling. The drama incorporates elements of science and media technology, employs concepts of multidimensional space and virtual reality, integrates both traditional religious perspectives and modern ideas of spiritual cultivation, all investigating anew the meaning of the Buddhist notion of “exploring sounds”. The play, with its limitless imagination and inexhaustible combinations, leads the audience on a fascinating journey across time and space. The life of a performer shines on the stage. Drawing near the end of her career in public service, Ms. Wang Hai-ling presents to you Guan˙Yin. This farewell is only temporary in that every recollection of the past feels at once both real and dreamlike.


    其 他 著 作
    1. 清宮三部曲劇本集