- 定價93.00元
HKDSE Maths Conventional Quest BK2 (2nd)
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詳 細 資 料
出版日期 |
2014年06月 |
語言版本 |
English |
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[ 尚未分類 ] |
同 類 書 推 薦
內 容 簡 介
Key features of HKDSE Exam Series Mathematics: Conventional Questions (Compulsory Part) Book 2 (Second Edition) include:
* Key Points illustrates the link between key concepts for each chapter and related chapter.
* Essential Notes with Quick Check helps students revise relevant concepts effectively.
* DSE Exam Trend provides information on the appearance of each topic in the public exam.
* Demonstration provides basic examples and exam-oriented examples with marking scheme, Strategies and Smart Tips to help students grasp essential techniques and score high marks.
* Exam Practice provides abundant of questions, with Public exam reference given to some of the questions.
* Cross-topic Questions offers the latest DSE exam-style questions to familiarize students with exam requirements.
* Solution Guide is provided with Watch Out and Smart Tips, which help enhance students’ efficiency in tackling questions.
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