《Anatomy:A Cutaway Look Inside the Human Body》的作者 Helene Druvert 為法國知名紙雕家,也是法國圖書大獎 La Nuit du Livre 得主;她分別在 2015 年、 2016 年所出版的紙雕書 Paris Up, Up and Away 及 Mary Poppins Up, Up and Away 皆以其細膩的手法大獲好評。
這一次,Helene Druvert 和身為醫生的爸爸聯手,推出和前作風格截然不同的作品《Anatomy:A Cutaway Look Inside the Human Body》人體紙雕書!雷射紙雕以精細的手法呈現人體各個器官、系統的細節:錯縱複雜的血管、肌肉等等;另外還有翻翻的設計,例如,翻開女孩的肚子,就可以看見子宮裡頭的寶寶、卵巢等構造,是一本結合了紙雕藝術、趣味科普和親子互動的有趣書籍。
This gorgeous, large-format book is filled with clever cutouts exploring every detail of the organs, systems and senses that make up that most marvellous of machines, the human body. This fact-filled journey is illustrated by Helene Druvert, the acclaimed creator of the award-winning Paris Up, Up and Away and Mary Poppins Up, Up and Away. Her father, a doctor, has contributed the text, which is perfectly pitched at children of nine and over.