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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介


100.00  元
HK$ 85  

  • 規格:平裝 / 240頁 / 19 x 26 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 寫作/翻譯




      第一部分Acquiring Reading Skills :包含八個單元,主要目的在於訓練閱讀能力,透過全英文的學習方式,加上每單元都有一個搭配課文的閱讀技巧,幫助讀者無論是訓練閱讀原文書或參加各項考試,都能得心應手。



      1. 進行預測

      2. 因果關係

      3. 瞭解時間先後順序

      4. 遵循清楚明確的指示

      5. 用圖像來想像文本

      6. 做連結

      7. 使用證明時要具有批判能力

      8. 略讀文本尋找資訊

      第二部分Putting the Skills to Practice:共五十二個單元,包括各種知識性、趣味性、生活化的多元主題,每篇文章搭配四個閱讀測驗題目,目的是要幫助讀者瞭解自己對文章的掌握度,同時提升應考力。文章中文翻譯及閱讀測驗解答收錄於別冊中,建議讀者盡量先閱讀英文,再以中文翻譯作為輔助參考。



    Section 1: Acquiring Reading Skills

    Unit 1?? ?In Touch: How Our Biggest Organ Keeps Us Alive

    Unit 2?? ?Miro: The Man behind the Art

    Unit 3?? ?Madame Butterfly

    Unit 4?? ?Recipe: Traditional Red Velvet Cake

    Unit 5?? ?Dance Crazes That Have Swept Us Off Our Feet

    Unit 6?? ?Four Tips for Relieving a Migraine

    Unit 7?? ?Jewel’s Online Footwear Store

    Unit 8?? ?Pet Pal Animal Hospital

    Section 2: Putting the Skills to Practice

    1.?? ?The Best Dads of the Water

    2.?? ?Museums for Love

    3.?? ?Up, Up, and Away!

    4.?? ?The Bare Facts of Toilet Paper

    5.?? ?Moon Legends and Superstitions

    6.?? ?Left or Right: Which Do Animals Prefer?

    7.?? ?Taking Responsibility for Your Actions

    8.?? ?Six Steps to a Smarter You

    9.?? ?Start Your . . . Soapboxes

    10.?? ?How to Improve Your Memory

    11.?? ?Mark Twain: The Father of American Literature

    12.?? ?The Fastest Animals on Land, in the Sea, and in the Air

    13.?? ?All Things Pumpkin

    14.?? ?Some Food Facts to Chew On

    15.?? ?How Colors Affect US

    16.?? ?Mad about Memory

    17.?? ?Vincent van Gogh: Viewing the Man through His Art

    18.?? ?Speed Walking to a Healthier You

    19.?? ?Packing for Mars

    20.?? ?Mars or Bust!

    21.?? ?Ang Lee─A Diverse Director

    22.?? ?The Great Food Debate

    23.?? ?Hop in a Taxi and Go!

    24.?? ?Blood Cell Phones

    25.?? ?Stories behind Everyday Inventions

    26.?? ?The Truth about Lies

    27.?? ?Health Threats Caused by Electronic Devices

    28.?? ?Gender Divide: The Science behind Our Differences

    29.?? ?You’re an Animal!

    30.?? ?Giving Your Way to Success

    31.?? ?The Truth behind Five Health Myths

    32.?? ?Lunar New Year Celebrations around the World

    33.?? ?Stephen Sutton: Making Every Moment Count

    34.?? ?Tips for Better Concentration

    35.?? ?Exploring Columbus Day

    36.?? ?Off the Menu: Shark Fin Soup

    37.?? ?Put Yourself in the Frame

    38.?? ?The Many Uses of Lemons

    39.?? ?Is Drinking Milk Really Good for US?

    40.?? ?Legal Here, Illegal There

    41.?? ?Easter Is upon Us

    42.?? ?Say “Aloha” to Hawaii!

    43.?? ?Oodles of Google Doodles

    44.?? ?Food for Thought

    45.?? ?Waging a War on Food Waste

    46.?? ?App Sticker Popularity

    47.?? ?A Journey to Osaka

    48.?? ?Making Art Out of Cardboard

    49.?? ?Winter Fun in Budapest

    50.?? ?Some Facts about the English Alphabet

    51.?? ?Life of a Plasticarian

    Ted Williams: A Second Chance for a Golden Voice


    其 他 著 作
    1. 國中會考英語閱讀必備解題指南 考前衝刺篇(全新擴編版)
    2. LiveBaby 幼兒英語 我的第一本英文書 身體+情緒:【書+朗讀MP3(掃描QR CODE聆聽或線上下載)】
    3. 中學生必備 英語閱讀素養 經典故事篇【書+朗讀MP3+別冊】
    4. How It Works知識大圖解 世界歷史大圖解(全新擴增版)【書】
    5. LiveBaby 幼兒英語 輕鬆學會英語發音【書+朗讀MP3(掃描QR CODE聆聽或線上下載)】
    6. 國中會考英語閱讀必備解題指南 實戰解題篇(全新擴編版)書+別冊
    7. CNN主播教你用英語看懂國際品牌故事+全球熱門趨勢(全新修訂版)【書+電腦互動學習軟體(限Windows系統/含朗讀MP3)】
    8. 玩遍世界 旅遊英語必備 單字X實用句X會話【書+電腦互動學習軟體(限Windows系統/含朗讀MP3)】
    9. 遊台灣學英語【書+電腦互動學習軟體(限Windows系統/含朗讀MP3)】
    10. LiveBaby幼兒英語 輕鬆學會26個英文字母【書+朗讀MP3(掃描QR CODE聆聽或線上下載)】