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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介


150.00  元
HK$ 135  

  • 叢書系列:逗陣影音館
  • 規格:DVD / 156頁 / 12.5 x 14 cm / 普通級

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 政府出版品 > 影音產品 > 傳統藝術

      孟麗君與皇甫少華訂有婚約,因孟父出征兵敗被俘,皇甫將軍奏本鳴冤,兩家竟同時遭劉國丈妒害,抄家發配。 三年後,孟麗君女扮男裝考中狀元,官拜丞相,保薦皇甫少華出征,得勝班師,孟父亦因此還朝。皇甫凱旋、酈相親迎,未婚夫婦相面而不相認,皇帝金殿封爵,亦暗疑酈丞相即為孟麗君。皇甫乃藉畫像試探酈相。


      Meng Li-jun and Huang-pu Shao-hua are engaged to be married. When Meng’s father is captured by the enemy on the battlefield, General Huang-pu sends in a memorial to the throne as a formal complaint and call for redress. Such a righteous act, however, precipitates a disaster for both families whose properties are confiscated and members banished.

      Three years later, Meng Li-jun disguises herself as a man to take the imperial examination. She passes the examination, taking first place, and is soon to be appointed as the prime minister. She then recommends Huang-pu Shao-hua to lead imperial troops to fight the enemy. Huang-pu soon returns in triumph, and Meng’s father is thus absolved and returns as well. When Huang-pu returns with victory, Prime Minister Li is obliged to greet him in person, and the engaged couple have to pretend not to know each other at the imperial court in the presence of the emperor who soon suspects that the prime minister is Meng Li-jun. Huang-pu tests Prime Minister Li by means of a portrait.

      When the emperor sees through the true identity of Prime Minster Li, he invites her to go on an excursion to Shanglin with the intention of making her his concubine. Soon the empress dowager finds out the truth that the prime minister is a woman and, after consulting with the Grand Preceptor, decides to bless the engaged couple in the imperial court in public. Meng Li-jun and Huang-pu Shao-hua finally get married.



    其 他 著 作
    1. 虎符風雲[DVD]
    2. 狐仙[USB]
    3. 武動三國:她的凝視(DVD)
    4. 活捉、大劈棺、伐子都(DVD)
    5. 長生殿(DVD)
    6. 雪弟恨(DVD)
    7. 閻羅夢:天地一秀才(DVD)
    8. 夢紅樓•乾隆與和珅(DVD)
    9. 伐子都、林沖(DVD)
    10. 楊門女將(新)DVD