當電商市場日益興盛,新興的O2O企業(Online to Offline)如Uber、Airbnb攻佔矽谷新創公司的頂峰,取代Amazon與Facebook一躍而成現今最熱門的商業案例。
2007年的金融海嘯使華爾街與矽谷搖搖欲墜,然而,矽谷從不缺乏破壞者—他們先破壞、再創造。Uber的Travis Kalanick跟Airbnb的Brian Chesky正扮演當年賈伯斯的角色,他們改變以往商業模式,結合最新的科技技術,打造出屬於自己的藍海。而他們只是布萊德.史東筆下的其中兩名破壞者而已。
史東的《貝佐斯傳》榮獲2013年《金融時報》與高盛集團年度最佳商業書。他將再度發揮犀利的洞察力,在這科技、商業與文化緊密結合與更替的年代中,把科技創業家們的聰慧與執著如何創建出改變世界的企業詳加記錄下來。透過The Upstarts,一覽矽谷破壞者們的思緒、決策與創新歷程。(文/博客來編譯)
New York Times bestselling author of The Everything Store Brad Stone takes us deep inside the new Silicon Valley.
In 2007, the crash had Wall Street and Silicon Valley reeling. The original renegades like Steve Jobs were now the establishment, and tech had become a way of life for suburban moms as much as for visionaries. The Valley was ready for a new revolution. Enter THE UPSTARTS. Genius entrepreneurs with no lack of self-confidence created companies that turned our expectations on their heads. Travis Kalanick of Uber and Brian Chesky of Airbnb are just two of the disrupters Brad Stone examines in this fly-on-the-wall look at the intersection of tech, business, and culture. With unprecedented access to all the key players, Stone illuminates the smart, driven, and often comically flawed people who are upending industries and changing the way we all live and work.
The world today is vastly different than it was even ten years ago, and it is due to the upstarts. In THE UPSTARTS, Brad Stone provides the rollicking narrative that shows the how our latest--and perhaps greatest--technological wave was born.