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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介


472.00  元
HK$ 424.8  

  • 規格:平裝 / 1480頁 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港

  • 文學小說 > > 華文現代詩


      詩人包括嘉貝巴•巴德倫 Gabeba Baderoon(South Africa 南非)、哈維爾•貝略 Javier Bello(Chile 智利)、查爾斯•伯恩斯坦 Charles Bernstein(USA 美國)、約翰•伯恩塞 John Burnside(United Kingdom 英國)、陳滅 Chan Chi Tak(Hong Kong 香港) 、陳東東 Chen Dongdong(Mainland China 中國大陸) 、陳先發 Chen Xianfa (Mainland China 中國大陸)、周耀輝 Chow Yiu Fai(Hong Kong 香港)、洛爾娜•克羅齊 Lorna Crozier(Canada 加拿大)、崔健 Cui Jian(Mainland China 中國大陸) 、悠莉亞•費多奇克 Julia Fiedorczuk(Poland 波蘭)、傑閎•格庵 Jerome Game(France 法國)、平田俊子 Hirata Toshiko(Japan 日本) 、馬卓爾•傑克遜 Major Jackson(USA 美國)、努諾•朱迪斯 Nuno Judice(Portugal 葡萄牙)、林舜玲 Agnes S. L. Lam(Hong Kong 香港)、馬蘭•阿勒瑪斯麗 Maram al-Masri(Syria 敘利亞)、瑟梅茲定•梅赫梅迪維奇 Semezdin Mehmedinovi?(Bosnia 波斯尼亞)、文貞姬 Moon Chung-hee(South Korea 韓國) 、喬治•澤提斯 George Szirtes(United Kingdom 英國)、馬克•卓狄尼 Mark Tredinnick(Australia 澳洲)、安雅•烏德勒 Anja Utler(Germany 德國)、德米特里•維傑尼亞賓 Dmitry Vedenyapin(Russia 俄羅斯)、哈里斯•武拉維亞諾斯 Haris Vlavianos(Greece 希臘)。

      International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong (IPNHK) is one of the most influential international poetry events in Asia. From 22–26 November 2017, over 20 invited poets from various countries, ADONIS (Syria), Agnes S. L. Lam (Hong Kong), Anja Utler (Germany), Chan Chi Tak (Hong Kong), Charles Bernstein (US), Chen Dongdong (China), CHEN Xianfa (China), Chow Yiu Fai (Hong Kong), Dmitry Vedenyapin (Russia), Gabeba Baderoon (South Africa), George Szirtes (UK), Haris Vlavianos (Greece), Javier Bello (Chile), Jerome Game (France), John Burnside (UK), Julia Fiedorczuk (Poland), Lorna Crozier (Canada), Major Jackson (US), Maram al-Masri (Syria), Mark TREDINNICK (Australia), Moon Chung-hee (South Korea), Nuno Judice (Portugal), Semezdin Mehmedinovi? (Bosnia), Shuntaro Tanikawa (Japan), Toshiko Hirata (Japan), will be in Hong Kong to read their works based on the theme “Ancient Enmity.” The collection makes a treasured contemporary poetry anthology in trilingual or bilingual presentation.

      Edited by Bei Dao, Lucas Klein and Chris Song, the Ancient Enmity twenty-four volume box set is an extended edition o f the single-volume anthology. Included are twenty-four pocket-sized paperbacks encased in a fine paper box, containing works by each of the poets included in the anthology, accompanied by English and / or Chinese translations. This collection seeks to make accessible the best of contemporary international poetry with outstanding translations. Each of the twenty-four volumes can be purchased separately.


    其 他 著 作
    1. 午夜之門
    2. 波動
    3. 歧路行
    4. 時間的玫瑰
    5. 必有人重寫愛情
    6. 城門開
    7. 歧路行
    8. 守夜
    9. 《七十年代》兩卷盒裝
    10. 古老的敵意(單本詩選合集)