Chineasy 顛覆你對中文字的理解,也讓老外驚呼:學中文好容易!
台灣之光薛曉嵐今年初以「Chineasy」中文字創新圖像學習系統,擊敗Google眼鏡,榮獲知名設計雜誌Wallpaper 2014年度生活革新獎。
作者在最新出版的《Chineasy: The New Way to Read Chinese》裡拆解中文字,為八大部首「火木日月人口門山」及其延伸200個中文字,加上繽紛具設計感的圖像,分門別類解釋箇中涵義,同時深入解釋字的起源與故事,讓讀者看圖就能牢記字義。中文母語使用者也能從書中發現有趣的詮釋方式,重新認識這博大精深的語系。
Learning Chinese is notoriously difficult and has long put off the most linguistically savvy Westerners... until now. Breaking down the Great Wall of language, ShaoLan Hsueh has unpicked Chinese characters and created a simple system for quickly understanding the basic building blocks of the written language. Working with renowned illustrator Noma Bar, she has developed a unique set of illustrations that are engaging and delightful, and offer a glimpse into the wonder of the Chinese language and culture. The books main section introduces the radicals the key characters on which the language is built and reveals how they can be combined to form a wealth of more complex words and phrases. In fewer than 200 pages, readers of all ages will have made the first steps towards a genuine appreciation of Chinese, loving every new character they learn.