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The Bar and Beverage Book, 5/e
沒有庫存 訂購需時10-14天
9780470248454 | |
Costas Katsigris, Chris Thomas | |
桂魯 | |
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697.00 元
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HK$ 627.3
| |
詳 細 資 料
規格:精裝 / 736頁 / 16K / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
分 類
專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 休閒餐旅類 > 餐旅管理 |
同 類 書 推 薦
內 容 簡 介
The Bar and Beverage Book explains how to manage the beverage option of a restaurant, bar, hotel, country club—any place that serves beverages to customers. It provides readers with the history of the beverage industry and appreciation of wine, beer, and spirits; information on equipping, staffing, managing, and marketing a bar; and the purchase and mixology of beverages. New topics in this edition include changes to regulations regarding the service of alcohol, updated sanitation guidelines, updates to labor laws and the employment of staff, and how to make your operation more profitable. New trends in spirits, wine, and beer are also covered.
目 錄
Chapter 1: The Beverage Industry, Yesterday and Today
Chapter 2: Responsible Alcohol Service
Chapter 3: Creating and Maintaining a Bar Business
Chapter 4: Bar Equipment
Chapter 5: The Beverages: Spirits
Chapter 6: Wine Appreciation
Chapter 7: Wine Sales and Service
Chapter 8: Beer
Chapter 9: Sanitation and Bar Setup
Chapter 10: Mixology, Part One
Chapter 11: Mixology, Part Two
Chapter 12: Employee Management
Chapter 13: Purchasing, Receiving, Storage, and Inventory
Chapter 14: Planning For Profit
Chapter 15: Managing Your Bar Business
New To This Edition
書 評