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Principles of Accounting 3/e:Australia
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9780470819258 | |
Weygandt、Chalmers、Mitrione、Yuen、Fyfe、Kieso、Kimmel | |
指南書局 | |
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517.00 元
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HK$ 465.3
| |
詳 細 資 料
* 叢書系列:會計類
* 規格:平裝 / 普級 / 全彩 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣
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內 容 簡 介
@In its US edition, ‘Principles of Accounting’ has been a market leading introductory accounting textbook for over 20 years. The Australasian adaptation of this highly regarded textbook accentuates its relevance to both students and academics alike with its constructive pedagogical structure, application of accounting to a wider business environment, and clear, easy-to-understand writing style.
As accounting is the international language of business, with many students expecting their qualifications to open career opportunities internationally, ‘Principles of Financial Accounting 2nd edition’ aligns to the conceptual framework and financial reporting requirements under IFRS, as well as presenting real company financial information from the Australasian region. Throughout all chapters, accounting processes and systems are applied and illustrated with either real businesses or constructive hypothetical examples.
In its US edition, ‘Principles of Accounting’ has been a market leading introductory accounting textbook for over 20 years. The Australasian adaptation of this highly regarded textbook accentuates its relevance to both students and academics alike with its constructive pedagogical structure, application of accounting to a wider business environment, and clear, easy-to-understand writing style.
As accounting is the international language of business, with many students expecting their qualifications to open career opportunities internationally, ‘Principles of Financial Accounting 2nd edition’ aligns to the conceptual framework and financial reporting requirements under IFRS, as well as presenting real company financial information from the Australasian region. Throughout all chapters, accounting processes and systems are applied and illustrated with either real businesses or constructive hypothetical examples.
In its US edition, ‘Principles of Accounting’ has been a market leading introductory accounting textbook for over 20 years. The Australasian adaptation of this highly regarded textbook accentuates its relevance to both students and academics alike with its constructive pedagogical structure, application of accounting to a wider business environment, and clear, easy-to-understand writing style.
As accounting is the international language of business, with many students expecting their qualifications to open career opportunities internationally, ‘Principles of Financial Accounting 2nd edition’ aligns to the conceptual framework and financial reporting requirements under IFRS, as well as presenting real company financial information from the Australasian region. Throughout all chapters, accounting processes and systems are applied and illustrated with either real businesses or constructive hypothetical examples.
目 錄
pter 1. Accounting in Action.
Chapter 2. The recording process.
Chapter 3. Adjusting the accounts.
Chapter 4. Completion of the accounting cycle.
Chapter 5. Accounting for retail operations.
Chapter 6. Inventories.
Chapter 7. Accounting information systems.
Chapter 8. Internal control and cash.
Chapter 9. Accounting for receivables.
Chapter 10. Property, plant & equipment; intangible assets and goodwill; mineral resources and biological assets.
Chapter 11. Current Liabilities and payroll accounting.
Chapter 12. Accounting concepts, assumptions & principles.
Chapter 13. Accounting for partnerships.
Chapter 14. Companies: share capital.
Chapter 15. Companies: dividends, retained profits and income reporting.
Chapter 16. Non-current liabilities.
Chapter 17. Investments.
Chapter 18. Cash flow statement.
Chapter 19. Financial Statement analysis.
書 評