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Tourism Research, 2/e


Gayle Jennings
997.00  元
HK$ 897.3  

* 叢書系列:觀光
* 規格:平裝 / 454頁 / 19.0*26.0 cm / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 二版
* 出版地:台灣


專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 生物資源類 >

@Students studying tourism are required to undertake a study in research techniques and methodologies as part of their tourism degree. Major aims of this new edition are to encourage students to think about the importance of research in tourism appreciating the role that it plays in the tourism industry as well as to familiarize students with the wide diversity of research strategies available to them.

   Tourism Research, second edition, introduces the concept of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research methodologies associated with tourism. It also considers indigenous and cross-cultural methodologies. The relationship of tourism research, its underpinnings, sources and methods, with the implications for tourism development, planning and management are clearly established and discussed. The text is focused on the tourism sector rather than the leisure and recreation sector. The role of researchers as professionals, as well as usage and impacts of research are incorporated throughout the text to ensure students appreciate the diversity of research in the tourism industry as well as the consequences of research decision-making processes. This revised edition continues to provide a balanced discussion between qualitative and quantitative methodologies and their associated theoretical underpinnings.

ter 1: The role of research in tourism
Chapter 2: Theoretical paradigms underpinning tourism research
Chapter 3: Data and empirical material sources for tourism research
Chapter 4: The ethics of tourism research
Chapter 5: Methodological considerations for tourism research
Chapter 6: Qualitative methods and tourism research
Chapter 7: Qualitative methods of empirical material interpretation/(re)construction
Chapter 8: Quantitative methods and tourism research
Chapter 9: Quantitative methods of data analysis
Chapter 10: Tourism research proposals and reports
Chapter 11: Conference presentations, posters and articles
Chapter 12: The future of tourism research

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