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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Corporate Governance and Ethics


350.00  元
HK$ 315  

* 叢書系列:會計類
* 規格:平裝 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:美國


[ 尚未分類 ]

This book is the first to present a comprehensive framework of the theory and practice of corporate governance and business ethics by focusing on the four cornerstones promoted by the AACSB. Readers will quickly gain an understanding of the main themes, perspectives, frameworks, concepts, and issues pertaining to corporate governance and business ethics from historical, global, institutional, commercial, best practices, and regulatory perspectives. Additionally, there is also complete coverage of all oversight functions of corporate governance.

t One Private Enterprise and Public Trust.
Chapter 1. The Free Market System and Business.
Chapter 2. Corporate Governance.
Chapter 3. Introduction to Business Ethics.

Part Two Roles and Responsibilities of Corporate Governance Participants.
Chapter 4. Board of Directors’ Roles and Responsibilities.
Chapter 5. Board Committee Roles and Responsibilities.
Chapter 6. Roles and Responsibilities of Management.
Chapter 7. Regulatory Bodies, Standard Setters, and Best Practices.
Chapter 8. Internal Auditors? ? Roles and Responsibilities.
Chapter 9. External Auditors’ Roles and Responsibilities.
Chapter 10. Stakeholders’ Roles and Responsibilities.
Chapter 11. Roles and Responsibilities of Other Corporate Governance Participants.

Part Three Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics and Corporate Governance.
Chapter 12. Technology and Corporate Governance.
Chapter 13. Corporate Governance in Private and Not-for-Profit Organizations.
Chapter 14. Corporate Governance in Transition.
Chapter 15. Emerging Issues in Corporate Governance.

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