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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Introduction to Business Statistics 6/e


367.00  元
HK$ 330.3  

* 叢書系列:統計類
* 規格:平裝 / 普級 / 單色印刷
* 出版地:美國


[ 尚未分類 ]

Highly praised for its clarity and great examples, Weiers’ INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS STATISTICS, 6E introduces fundamental statistical concepts in a conversational language that connects with today’s students. Even those intimidated by statistics quickly discover success with the book’s proven learning aids, outstanding illustrations, non-technical terminology, and hundreds of current examples drawn from real-life experiences familiar to students. A continuing case and contemporary applications combine with more than 100 new or revised exercises and problems that reflect the latest changes in business today with an accuracy you can trust. You can easily introduce today’s leading statistical software and teach not only how to complete calculations by hand and using Excel, but also how to determine which method is best for a particular task. The book’s student-oriented approach is supported with a wealth of resources, including the innovative new CengageNOW online course management and learning system that saves you time while helping students master the statistical skills most important for business success.

t 1: Business Statistics : Introduction and Background
1. A Preview of Business Statistics
2. Visual Description of Data
3. Statistical Description of Data
4. Data Collection and Sampling Methods

Part 2: Probability
5. Probability: Review of Basic Concepts
6. Discrete Probability Distributions
7. Continuous Probability Distributions

Part 3: Sampling Distributions and Estimation
8. Sampling Distributions
9. Estimation from Sample Data

Part 4: Hypothesis Testing
10. Hypothesis Tests Involving a Sample Mean or Proportion
11. Hypothesis Tests Involving Two Sample Means or Proportions
12. Analysis of Variance Tests
13. Chi-Square Applications
14. Nonparametric Methods

Part 5: Regression, Model Building, and Time Series
15. Simple Linear Regression and Correlation
16. Multiple Regression and Correlation
17. Model Building
18. Models for Time Series and Forecasting

Part 6: Special Topics
19. Decision Theory
20. Total Quality Management
21. Ethics in Statistical Analysis and Reporting

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