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詳 細 資 料
* 叢書系列:實用其他
* 規格:精裝 / 880頁 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣
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內 容 簡 介
The 6th edition of this classic strategic management text provides up-to-date and concise coverage of all the essential strategic momentum. In this edition, the authors have comprehensively addressed issue assessment in the health care environment, service area competitor analysis, internal organizational analysis, development of directional strategies, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation. Through the many new examples and perspectives integrated throughout the text along with numerous “strategic thinking maps” and analysis techniques, readers of this text will be able to develop comprehensive, well-documented, and innovative strategies for health care organizations. The focused format of this edition, combined with web support, make this an essential and accessible read.
目 錄
Pt. I Strategic Management
Ch. 1 The Nature of Strategic Management
Ch. 2 Understanding and Analyzing the General and Health Care Environment
Ch. 3 Service Area Competitor Analysis
Ch. 4 Internal Environmental Analysis and Competitive Advantage
Ch. 5 Directional Strategies
Ch. 6 Developing Strategic Alternatives
Ch. 7 Evaluation of Strategic Alternatives and Strategic Choice
Ch. 8 Value Adding Service Delivery Strategies
Ch. 9 Value Adding Support Strategies
Ch. 10 Communicating the Strategy and Developing Action Plans
Pt. 2 Appendices
App. A Analyzing Strategic Health Care Cases
App. B Financial Analysis for Health Care Organizations
Pt. 3 Cases in the Health Care Sector: Cases 1-20 Index
書 評