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Managing for Quality in the Hospitality Industry


John H. King, Jr., Ronald F. Cichy
707.00  元
HK$ 636.3  

* 叢書系列:餐旅
* 規格:平裝 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 休閒餐旅類 > 餐旅管理

  This practical Quality Management text focuses on meeting the expectations of internal customers, external customers, and owner/investors–the backbones of any organization and its culture. Integrating theories and real-life examples to illustrate how to achieve high quality, the authors add credibility to the process by sharing their successful quality management experience in a contemporary case history - while simplifying the most important elements in managing quality in the hospitality industry.

1. An Overview of Managing for Quality.
2. Champions of Quality.
3. Quality Management.
4. Tapping the Organization’s Hidden Strengths.
5. Team Effectiveness.
6. Serving External Customers.
7. CQI Journey.
8. The Tools of the Trade.
9. Strategic Quality Plan.
10. Assessing Quality.
11. Implementing Quality.
12. Leading Quality.
13. Quality Life.
14. Final Thoughts.
Appendix. Tools of the Trade Tear Out Sheets.

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