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Remarkable Service
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Culinary Institute of America? | |
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詳 細 資 料
* 叢書系列:餐旅
* 規格:平裝 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣
分 類
專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 休閒餐旅類 > 餐旅管理 |
同 類 書 推 薦
內 容 簡 介
Topics include:
1.Dining room and kitchen organization and personnel
2.Reservations, greeting, and seating
3.Classic and modern styles of table service
4.Beverage and wine service
5.Money handling
6.Service challenges––what to do when things go wrong
7.Front-of-the-house safety and sanitation
Industry surveys consistently show that service is the number one reason that people come back to a restaurant–or dine elsewhere. With competition increasing for today’s dining dollar, restaurants must go beyond culinary excellence to ensure their success. They must offer Remarkable ServiceSM, the kind of service that makes guests feel comfortable, makes dining out enjoyable, and creates customer loyalty.
This book offers unique, comprehensive coverage of the principles, standards, and practices that are the hallmark of truly Remarkable ServiceSM. Written by The Culinary Institute of America, which has been hailed by Time magazine as ”the nation’s most influential training school for cooks,” it shares the knowledge and techniques necessary to exceed guest expectations through every part of the dining experience.
Remarkable ServiceSM places detailed practical information within the framework of Nine Basic Principles of Hospitality and Service. These critical principles provide the foundation for building an outstanding customer service program in any setting, from informal to fine dining. Filled with invaluable real-life examples and important do’s and don’ts, this book gives both new and veteran servers–and their managers–the skills, confidence, and flexibility to bring Remarkable ServiceSM to virtually any situation–and keep customers coming back for more.
目 錄
Foreword by Tim Zagat.
The Nine Basic Principles of Hospitality and Service.
Styles of Table Service: Classic to Modern.
Dining Room Organization and Personnel.
The Front Door.
Getting Ready for Service.
Serving Guests: The Main Event.
Beverage Service.
Wine Service.
Special Service Challenges.
Special Functions.
Money Handling: Taking Care of Business.
Safety and Sanitation.
Appendix A.
Appendix B.
書 評