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  • 定價93.00元
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Marketing Hospitality, 3/e


Cathy H. C. Hsu, Tom Powers
660.00  元
HK$ 594  

* 叢書系列:餐旅
* 規格:精裝 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 休閒餐旅類 > 餐旅管理

  Marketing Hospitality has helped thousands of students gain the knowledge they need to meet the competitive challenges of the hospitality industry. Now this Third Edition keeps the book in line with the latest developments in this rapidly changing field-with updated information, new case histories, and fresh examples drawn from a broad range of hospitality operations.

  Combining marketing theory with a strong practical emphasis on industry applications, Marketing Hospitality, Third Edition offers superior coverage of marketing as an integral part of operations, especially at the unit level. Beginning with an overview of hospitality marketing, products, and services, it guides readers through the basics of marketing research, segmentation, and targeting, as well as branding, distribution, location, pricing, and communication. A powerful feature of the book is its strong coverage of marketing planning and strategy, including clear step-by-step guidance on developing an effective marketing plan.

  Easy to read and use, Marketing Hospitality, Third Edition offers a complete set of valuable pedagogical tools to facilitate learning and further study, from chapter-end summaries, reviews of key words and concepts, and Internet resources to discussion questions and references.

  As marketing becomes increasingly important to the success of today’s businesses, Marketing Hospitality, Third Edition gives future hospitality professionals an important career-building resource for virtually every area of the field.

Marketing—Everybody’s Job.
Hospitality Services.
The Macro and Micro Environments of Hospitality Marketing.
Market Segmentation and Targeting Marketing.
Marketing Information and Research.
Marketing Strategy.
The Marketing Plan.
The Hospitality Product.
Place in Hospitality Marketing: Distribution.
Place in Hospitality Marketing: Location.
The Price of Hospitality.
Marketing Communication: Advertising.
Marketing Communication: Sales Promotion, Public Relations/Publicity, and Personal Selling.
Marketing at the Unit Level.

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