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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
How to Research and Write a Thesis in Hospitality and Tourism


James M. Poynter
663.00  元
HK$ 596.7  

* 叢書系列:餐旅
* 規格:平裝 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 休閒餐旅類 > 餐旅管理

  A comprehensive guide to academic research methods that focuses on two of the world’s fastest growing industries… As tourism continues to play a larger role in economies all over the world, record numbers of students are flocking to college and university programs in this specialized field of study. Charged with writing a comprehensive thesis that relates to their special hospitality area of interest, many of these students—some of whom are preparing a thesis for the first time in their academic careers—experience difficulty in organizing a project on such a scale. Designed as a companion to the student who is writing such a thesis, How to Research and Write a Thesis in Hospitality and Tourism is a beginner’s guide to basic research and writing specifically on this burgeoning field of study. This hands-on guide helps students pull together the various components of a thesis in an organized, coherent fashion—from the cover page to the bibliography—and all the chapters in between. Students learn everything they need to know about developing, designing, and completing an original research study including:

1.How to develop an original thesis
2.How to conduct a thorough literature review
3.How to write a knockout introduction
4.How to write effective chapter summaries
5.How to prepare footnotes and bibliography
6.How to prepare a persuasive cover letter
7.How to obtain, record, analyze, and interpret data
8.And much more!

Your Original Thesis.
The Starting Point—Chapter Two.
Starting Chapter One.
The Chapter One Core.
Completing Chapter One.
Chapter Two Revisited.
The Cover Letter and the Research Instrument.
Chapter Three—The Foundation.
Chapter Three—The Research Structure.
Chapter Three—The Mechanics.
Mailings and Chapter Four.
Writing Chapter Five.
Post-Study Tasks.

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