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Cruising : Guide to Cruise Lines Industry, 2/e


Marc Mancini
707.00  元
HK$ 636.3  

* 叢書系列:觀光
* 規格:平裝 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 生物資源類 >

  Comprehensive profiles of two dozen cruise lines, a study of cruises by their geographic itineraries, and an insider’s view of cruise sales, marketing, and operations make this the only guide needed for learning how to succeed in the cruise industry. The content has been written in a magazine-style manner, making it easy and fun to read. And the author has applied a number of educational strategies, lending to Cruising’s easy learning manner. Particular attention is placed on key terms and phrases for better comprehension, activities and discussion items reinforce the concepts, and photos, graphics, and sidebars illustrate each chapter’s content. Dozens of leading industry professionals—including several cruise line presidents—have reviewed this material, ensuring that it reflects real-world insights into the business.

Chapter 1: Introduction.
Chapter 2: Who Cruises—And Why.
Chapter 3: The Anatomy of a Cruise Ship.
Chapter 4: The Cruise Experience.
Chapter 5: Who’s Who in Cruising.
Chapter 6: The Pre-, Post- and Off-Ship Cruise Experience.
Chapter 7: The Geography of Cruising.
Chapter 8: Profiling the Lines.
Chapter 9: Selling Cruises.
Chapter 10: Cruise Marketing, Groups and Incentives.
Appendix A: Key Addresses: CLIA Member Cruise Lines.
Appendix B: Key Addresses: Associations.
Appendix C: Bibliography. Glossary. Index.

其 他 著 作
1. Selling Destinations, 5/e
2. Time Management: 24 Techniques to Make Each Minute Count at Work
3. Time Management
4. Conducting Tours : A Practical Guide, 3/e
5. Time Management