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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Comprehensive Stress Management, 7/e


Jerrold S. Greenberg
707.00  元
HK$ 636.3  

* 叢書系列:餐旅
* 規格:平裝 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 休閒餐旅類 > 餐旅管理

  This fluent, easy-to-read text is designed to help students identify, understand and combat the stressors that most affect their lives. In his informal, anecdotal style, author Jerrold Greenberg introduces and discusses the latest research findings on the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of stress. New texts now come packaged with Health & Human Performance Power Web !

Part 1 Scientific Foundations
01 What is Stress?
02 Stress Psychophysiology
03 Stress and Illness/Disease

Part 2 General Applications: Life Situation and Perception Interventions
04 Intervention
05 Life-Situation Interventions: Intrapersonal
06 Life-Situation Interventions: Interpersonal
07 Perception Interventions
08 Spirituality and Stress

Part 3 General Applications: Relaxation Techniques
09 Meditation
10 Autogenic Training and Imagery
11 Progressive Relaxation
12 Biofeedback and Other Relaxation Techniques

Part 4 General Applications: Physiological Arousal and Behavior Change Interventions
13 Physiological Arousal Interventions: Exercise
14 Strategies for Decreasing Stressful Behaviors
15 Diversity and Stress

Part 5 Specific Applications
16 Occupational Stress
17 Stress and the College Student
18 Family Stress
19 Stress and the Elderly

Appendix A Stress Information Resources
Appendix B Stress Management Audio and Video Tapes

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