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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Tourism Planning and Policy


Dianne Dredge, john Jenkins
707.00  元
HK$ 636.3  

* 叢書系列:觀光
* 規格:平裝 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 生物資源類 >

  Informed tourism policies and plans require a critical appreciation of the historically complex and dynamic contexts in which public policy is developed and implemented, and of the impacts of public policy. The principle aim of Tourism Planning and Policy is to raise students’ and practitioners’ knowledge of tourism planning and policy-making and help develop their skills in analysing policy and planning processes and outcomes in diverse settings. A second aim of the book is to give practical insights and understandings that students will be able to apply in a range of careers in the private sector or the public service. This text forms a valuable addition to the Wiley Australia Tourism Series.

1. Introduction to Tourism policy & planning - Dianne Dredge & John Jenkins
2. The state, institutions and actors - Dianne Dredge
3. Historical development - Dianne Dredge & John Jenkins
4. Trends, Perspectives and Practice - John Jenkins
5. Policy Instruments, Implementation and Evaluation - Dianne Dredge
6. Tourism Policy and Planning Processes - Dianne Dredge & Meredith Lawrence
7. National Tourism Policy and Planning - John Jenkins
8. Regional Tourism Policy & Planning - Christof Pforr
9. Local Destination Planning & Policy - Dianne Dredge
10. Protected Lands - James Higham & Harry Maher
11. Protected Marine Areas - Carl Cater & Erlet Cater
12. Indigenous Tourism - Heather Zeppell
13. Conclusion: Challenges and Issues - Dianne Dredge & John Jenkins

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