- 定價217.00元
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9789866729812 | |
朱榮智、王慧娟、陳立芬、舒兆民、蔡蓉芝 | |
新學林(采舍代理) | |
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93.00 元
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詳 細 資 料
* 叢書系列:100堂中文課
* 規格:平裝 / 160頁 / 25k / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣
分 類
[ 尚未分類 ] |
同 類 書 推 薦
內 容 簡 介
The theme of Book Four is “ In the hospital”
It is showed in different conversations occurred in various possible events in daily living. The contents are : “To register at a hospital”, “ To see a doctor”, “To get the medicine”, “To be hospitalized”, ”In a nursing station”, “To visit the sick”, “Discharge from a hospital”, “An accidental injury”,”In the emergency room”,”Comprehensive physical checkup”.
People in the stages of life have to go through birth, muturation and old age, disorders and death. “In the hospital” helps foreigners understand the cultures of various and the taboos in a hospital .
100堂中文課 100 Units Chinese
在醫院In the Hospital
To register at a hospital
To see a doctor
To get the medicine
To be hospitalized
In a nursing station
To visit the sick
Discharge from a hospital
An accidental injury
In the emergency room
Comprehensive physical checkup
書 評