I am now resident in Taipei, Taiwan. However I am taking assignments worldwide since 1988. Don Schumann Photography covers a broad range of subjects. Shooting editorial, scenery, interior, glamour, fashion and people portrait for industrial, commercial and advertising clients. My feature articles of international travel, food and dining for both (periodical and/or in-flight) magazines and major newspapers frequently appear since 1995. A couple picture-oriented title and travel books published in between.
30 Nami Private Villas美麗的長灘縮影
40 Mandala Spa and Villas充滿禪味的溫泉渡假別墅
50 Asya Boracay隱密低調奢華、混合西班牙風、處處充滿禪意的旅館
60 Boracay Regency一再地重新詮釋雄偉和豪華
68 Boracay Tropics Resort Hotel喜愛寧靜和情趣追求者的新綠洲
74 Patio Pacific Boracay私家別墅蛻變成渡假飯店
82 Seraph Hotel長廊後的秘密花園
90 Lorenzo Grand Villa投入深山碧海的懷抱中
96 Fairways & Bluewater Resort Golf & Country Club天堂級的高爾夫假期
102 The Panoly Resort Hotel放鬆與縱容的結合
106 Seawind Boracay向陽光和湛藍的海水投降吧!
112 Villa Camilla舒適、迷人又具有絕佳隱密性
Special Report
118迷人的白色沙灘Boracay Beach Front
126陽光、沙灘、椰影Water Boys & Bikini Girls
132邂逅 愛妮島El Nido
140 Miniloc Island Resort眾神都愛的人間仙境
148 Lagen Island Resort與熱帶魚共舞
Special Report
156戀上愛妮島 眾神都愛的島嶼
162悠遊在愛妮島海底世界 享受靜謐、繽紛、鮮豔的內太空
168 INFORMATION菲律賓旅遊須知