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Active Private Equity Real Estate Strategy (Frank J. Fabozzi Series) (Hardcover)

David J. Lynn 
John Wiley & Sons
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

With the dramatic downturn in today"s U.S. real estate market, individual and institutional real estate investors need a resource for meeting the challenges that lie ahead and seizing opportunities as they arise.
Written by David Lynn with expert contributions from ING Clarion colleagues Tim Wang, Matson Holbrook, Bohdy Hedgcock, Jeff Organisciak, Alison Sauer, and Yusheng Hao, Active Private Equity Real Estate Strategy offers a collection of abridged market analyses, forecasts, and strategy papers developed in 2007 and 2008 from the ING Clarion Partners Research & Investment Strategy (RIS) Group.

This practical resource is divided into two comprehensive parts. Part One offers an overview of real estate markets, forecasts, and trends. Here you will find a summary of the national and major urban area markets and an analysis of each of the major real estate property types. In addition, this section contains illustrative examples of market analysis and forecasting that may set the stage for more detailed strategy development later on. The analysis also includes an early simulation of the potential effects of a recession on the commercial real estate industry.

Part Two presents examples of specific active strategies in private equity real estate investing. Each of these studies was developed to illustrate how an institutional investment manager may identify and analyze real estate investment opportunities under certain market conditions. The studies highlight key areas including multifamily, hotel, land, and industrial investment, and three niche plays: derivatives, senior housing, and infrastructure. The book also includes an example of the application of Modern Portfolio Theory to a hypothetical core real estate portfolio.

"Active Private Equity Real Estate Strategy" is an informative guide to the development of private equity investment strategies.

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