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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價93.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$74.4
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Good Luck: Creating the Conditions for Success in Life and Business (Hardcover)

Alex Rovira, Fernando Trias de Bes 
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

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Good Luck is a whimsical fable that teaches a valuable lesson: good luck doesn"t just come your way-it"s up to you to create the conditions to bring yourself good luck. Written by Alex Rovira and Fernando Trias de Bes-two leading marketing consul-tants-this simple tale is universally applicable and uniquely inspirational. Good Luck tells the touching story of two old men, Max and Jim, who meet by chance in Central Park fifty years after they last saw each other as children. Max achieved great success in life; Jim sadly did not. The secret to Max"s success lies in a story his grandfather told him long ago. This story within a story has a tone reminiscent of the classic The Alchemist and shows how to seize opportunity and achieve success in life. In a surprise ending, Good Luck comes full circle, offering the reader inspiration, instruction, and an engaging tale.
Alex Rovira and Fernando Trias de Bes created this inspirational book after studying the key factors that bring good luck to prosperous people. Their research explores the "luck" of extraordinary people and reveals the key factors shared by successful yet diverse people such as Madame Curie, Alexander Graham Bell, Bill Gates, and Tiger Woods. Rather than an exhaustive study of individuals and the traits that make them successful, Rovira and Trias de Bes have created an entertaining parable that reveals the ten rules of good luck.

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