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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Introduction to Psychology (Paperback)

James W. Kalat 
Wadsworth Publishing
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

James Kalat"s best-selling INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY does far more than cover major theories and studies; it encourages you to question the information and ask yourself, "How was this conclusion reached?" and "Does the evidence really support it?" In this student-praised text, Kalat challenges your preconceptions about psychology to help you become a more informed consumer of information not only during your college experience but, also as you venture into your post-college life. With his humorous writing style and hands-on "Try It Yourself" exercises, Kalat puts you at ease and gets you involved with what you are studying so that you can succeed in your course.

James W. Kalat 其他作品

Biological Psychology (Hardcover)

Introduction to Psychology (Paperback)

Introduction to Psychology (Hardcover)

其 他 著 作