- 定價93.00元
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Routines in C, C++, Fortran, Java, Maple, and MATLAB
沒有庫存 訂購需時10-14天
9781584884231 | |
H.J. Lee W.E. Schiesser
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Chapman and Hall | |
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382.00 元
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HK$ 362.9
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This book provides a set of ODE/PDE integration routines in the six most widely used computer languages, enabling scientists and engineers to apply ODE/PDE analysis toward solving complex problems. This text concisely reviews integration algorithms, then analyzes the widely used Runge-Kutta method. It first presents a complete code before discussing its components in detail, focusing on integration concepts such as error monitoring and control. The format allows scientists and engineers to understand the basics of ODE/PDE integration, then calculate sample numerical solutions within their targeted programming language. The applications discussed can be used as templates for the development of a spectrum of new applications.
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Accelerating Japan"s Economic Growth: Resolving Japan"s Growth Controversy
Pimpin" Ain"t Easy: Selling Black Entertainment Television
China"s Emergent Political Economy: Capitalism in the Dragon"s Lair
Private Enterprises and China"s Economic Development
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Project Managing E-Learning: A Handbook for Successful Design, Delivery and Management
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Japan"s Development Aid to China: The Long-Running Foreign Policy of Engagement
China"s Third Economic Transformation: The Rise of the Private Economy
China"s Third Economic Transformation: The Rise of the Private Economy
Vitamin C: Its Functions and Biochemistry in Animals and Plants
Distributed Multimedia Database Technologies Supported by MPEG-7 and MPEG-21
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Chaucer"s Dead Body
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