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Introduction to Criminal Justice (Hardcover)

Larry J. Siegel 
Wadsworth Publishing
1460.00  元
HK$ 1387  

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Want to get the most out of your introduction to criminal justice course and ace your exams? Let best-selling authors Larry J. Siegel and Joseph J. Senna show you the way in this Eleventh Edition of INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE. Siegel and Senna take you on an exciting behind-the-scenes look at the workings of the police, courts, and correctional systems. Helping you understand even the most complex concepts and topics, this Eleventh Edition includes plenty of learning tools to guide your study. With a new "Careers in Criminal Justice" feature in every chapter, interactive online tools, and many real-world criminal justice examples throughout, you will discover the rewards and challenges that criminal justice professionals experience daily.

Larry J. Siegel 其他作品

Introduction to Criminal Justice (Hardcover)

Introduction to Criminal Justice (Hardcover)

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