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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Online Dispute Resolution: Challenges For Contemporary Justice (International Arbitration Law Library) (Hardcove

Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler 
Kluwer Law International
382.00  元
HK$ 324.7  

[ 尚未分類 ]

In a world governed by speed, where the Internet plays a growing role in many of today"s innovations, the resolution of disputes using electronic means of communication may soon be part of everyday legal practice. This book offers solutions to the salient issues of this new field of practice, and even spells out proposed legislative and conventional amendments as well as specific provisions in arbitration rules. Among the topics covered are the following:
- the different methods of ODR;
- fields of use;
- ways to bring parties to online dispute resolution;
- validity and effects of clauses entered into online and providing for online mediation or arbitration;
- issues surrounding electronic communications and evidence in arbitration; and,
- enforcement of online dispute resolution outcomes, both through court proceedings and built-in enforcement mechanisms.

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