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Introduction to Psychology (Paperback) (8ed)

Rod Plotnik 
Wadsworth Publishing
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

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Like reading a magazine-not studying from a text-Plotnik"s PSYCHOLOGY, EIGHTH EDITION will draw you in and show you how visual and exciting the study of psychology can be. Rod Plotnik"s modular, visually-oriented approach to the fundamentals of psychology makes even the toughest concepts engaging and entertaining. Incorporating the latest research updates, the text breaks concepts down into small, easily digested chunks that give you and great flexibility how you approach and study the subject. This Eighth Edition expands upon Plotnik"s commitment to helping you learn. For instance, For instance, "Learning Links" features in the text connect you to the newly updated PowerStudy 3.0 CD-ROM. In addition, you can access the Book Companion Website that includes personalized Self-Study Assessments-giving you even further assistance in reviewing and prioritizing study time for maximum effectiveness.

Rod Plotnik 其他作品

Introduction to Psychology (Paperback) (8ed)

Introduction to Psychology (with InfoTrac ) (Paperback)

其 他 著 作