- 定價64.00元
Tools for Enhancing Literacy in Students with Cognitive and Multiple Disabilities
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9789628093427 | |
Ming-Gon John Lian, Jane Bersche, Lisa G. Bova and Linda Prosser
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香港大學出版社 | |
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80.00 元
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HK$ 72
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This practical handbook is designed to facilitate the use of picture communication symbols (PCS) with children who have cognitive and multiple disabilities. Ming-Gon John Lian, the honorary director of Centre for Advancement in Special Education and his associates aim to put communication symbols systematically into the daily curriculum for these students. Among the contributors to the text are special educators, a speech and language therapist, and a university professor.
In section 1 the writers introduce a framework with reference pages and worksheets for instructing students with cognitive and multiple disabilities. They set out step-by-step directions to help students acquire calendar skills and weather concepts, write simple letters, and report personal experiences. Other practical ideas to enrich classroom curricula are also included.
Section 2 discusses monthly calendar skills for helping students understand meaningful events and dates in their personal lives. The book presents an accessible menu of icons that depict holidays, birthdays, and school activities.
Session 3 addresses students’ sharing of personal experiences beyond school. In addition, strategies related to enhancing short-term memory skills, social skills, and communication skills are presented.
Overall, the text is well organized and clearly presented. It is strongly recommended for use by special education teachers, speech and language therapists, and occupational therapists.
Ming-Gon John Lian, Director of Centre for Advancement in Special Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
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