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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價99.00元
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Basic and Intermediate NX5 Modeling, Drafting, and Assemblies (Paperback)

Stephen Samuel 
Design Visionaries
1020.00  元
HK$ 969  

[ 尚未分類 ]

This NX5 book, a joint effort by the DV team, compiles the tips and techniques developed by DV President Stephen Samuel over the years he has been training the engineering community. The methods outlined in this Unigraphics book go beyond an academic use of NX5 modeling; they are tricks of the trade that come from thousands of hours of actual use of the software to design some of the most difficult products in the world. The exercises in this learning manual are classroom-tested, project-oriented, and guaranteed to give you the knowledge you need to learn NX5. Make NX5 work for YOU!

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