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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價117.00元
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Enhancing Occupational Safety and Health (Paperback)

Geoffrey A. Taylor 
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

In this comprehensive guide to occupational safety and health (OSH or OHS), the authors have taken an international and holistic perspective, foregoing regional prescriptive models for a self-regulatory, risk management-based approach to health and safety at work.
Both technical and human factors are considered in all areas of health and safety management - from hazardous substances and radiation, noise and vibration, to ergonomics, stress, substance abuse, and violence. The book outlines strategies for managing workers" compensation claims and rehabilitation, and for assessing training needs and evaluating courses. It also explains how to implement an overall occupational health and safety management system in a company, integrating this into existing quality management programs.

Each chapter includes a workplace application, further reading recommendations, and end-of-chapter questions, making this an ideal text for students on all health and safety related vocational and university courses. The book is also suitable for students on management courses, in which health and safety is being increasingly included in the syllabus. Managers, both general and health & safety professionals, will find this an invaluable international reference to the current concepts.

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