- 定價99.00元
Human Resource Development
沒有庫存 訂購需時10-14天
9780030319327 | |
Randy L. DeSimone, Jon M. Werner, David M. Harris
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South-Western | |
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500.00 元
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HK$ 475
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It was written primarily to serve as a comprehensive text for undergraduate and graduate courses that prepare students to train and develop people. As such, the book covers the entire field of HRD (as defined by the American Society for Training and Development? competency study), from orientation and skills training, to career development and organizational development. Human Resource Development provides a clear understanding of the concepts, processes, and practices that form the basis of success, and shows how concepts and theory can and have been put into practice in a variety of organizations. The book focuses on the shared role of line management and human resource specialists in HRD. It also reflects the current state of the field, blending real-world practices and up-to-date research.
Expanded coverage of strategic issues in HRD, and how HRD efforts should align with the goals and objectives of the organization (Chapter 1).
Updated research and statistics on the effec...
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