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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
跟葉太學英文7 Regina’s English Works for you 7


137.00  元
HK$ 123.3  

  • 規格:平裝 / 204頁 / 14 x 21 x 1.02 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 閱讀 > 新聞英語


      本書收錄葉劉淑儀過去一年在《南華早報》(South China Morning Post)、《中國日報》(China Daily)及《香港自由新聞》(Hong Kong Free Press)發表的十多篇英文評論文章,題目包括香港在國家大局下的角色、本土宏觀政策,以及大國碰撞下的局勢,見解精闢而且引發深思。每篇文章後附註特別挑選十個重點詞彙,簡述其詞性、典故以及用法,讀者能從中掌握如何精煉地運用這些詞彙,加強英語表達能力。


    Foreword Keith B. Richburg 4

    Foreword Regina Ip 8

    Chapter One:

    Contributing to Our Home Country


    25th anniversary heralds new era for Hong Kong 14

    Hong Kong can continue to make

    a difference in the nation’s success 26

    Xi Jinping gives fresh impetus to

    “One Country, Two Systems” 37

    Party Congress commits firmly to

    “One Country, Two Systems” 47

    The city can make a difference 57

    NPCSC interpretation removes doubts,

    strengthens national security 67

    Zheng Yanxiong’s appointment ?

    signals new era 77

    How Hong Kong can contribute to national rejuvenation 86

    Chapter Two:

    Macro Policy


    We must join talent race 96

    The city has hopes for John Lee’s

    upcoming Policy Address 106

    John Lee made 2022 Hong Kong’s

    year of action and reconnection 117

    End property hegemony 127

    Budget to spur growth,?? ?

    relieve hardship in Hong Kong 137

    District Council overhaul: Remembering the

    failures of Hong Kong’s democratic experiments 147

    Chapter Three:

    Collision between China and the West


    Days of British Parliament as effective

    government are numbered 160

    US needs policy rethink 172

    Xi Jinping’s diplomacy breaks the ice, resumes dialogue 182

    UK should treasure the chance to interact

    with Hong Kong legislators 192


    其 他 著 作
    1. 從零開始再去闖
    2. 大國博弈中的香港
    3. 跟葉太學英文 6
    4. 跟葉太學英文5
    5. 臨界點
    6. 跟葉太學英文 4
    7. 突破紛擾
    8. 跟葉太學英文(4)
    9. 突破紛擾
    10. 留下來.走出去