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133.00  元
HK$ 126.35  

  • 叢書系列:深訪中研院
  • 規格:精裝 / 219頁 / 14.8 x 21 x 3.07 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 語文:中英對照

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 政府出版品 > 教育學習 > 地質圖幅


      Completing the Map of the World: Cartographic Interaction between China and Europe

      In 1644, a Nanjing publisher named Cao Junyi printed a unique world map that he called “a complete map of all under Heaven.” He followed certain Chinese conventions going back to the Song and Yuan dynasties, but he also drew on a European map of the world designed by Ortelius and printed in Nanjing by the Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci. Copies of this map survive today in two national libraries, one in Beijing and the other in London. The two chapters of this book, originally delivered as the Kuo Ting-yee Memorial Lectures at Academic Sinica, each take one of these copies of Cao’s map as points of departure to reconstruct a history of world maps that looks back to earlier Chinese and European attempts to map the world and forward to the effects that Chinese world maps like Cao’s had on European cartography. This history reveals that Europeans depended on Chinese knowledge of Asia just as much as Chinese depended on European knowledge of world. Out of this interaction emerged the map of the world as we know it today.


    其 他 著 作
    1. 價崩:氣候危機與大明王朝的終結
    2. 忽必烈的獵豹:八百年來的中國與世界
    3. 掙扎的帝國:氣候、經濟、社會與探源南海的元明史
    4. 社群.王朝:明代國家與社會
    5. 維梅爾的帽子:揭開十七世紀全球貿易的序幕
    6. 掙扎的帝國:氣候、經濟、探源南海的元明史
    7. 塞爾登先生的中國地圖:香料貿易、佚失的海圖與南中國海
    8. 通敵:二戰中國的日本特務與地方菁英
    9. 縱樂的困惑─明朝的商業與文化
    10. 公共關係