本書分三大主題:Part I 全球性取徑、Part II 在地化應用、Part III 觀念的改變。史料數位化的意義,不僅在於大規模資料的聚合與檢索計量,更為核心的是在保存史料原貌和原始脈絡的同時,還能協助研究者觀察隱藏在浩瀚史料中的多重脈絡,並進行更具開放性的意義分析與連結,從而開拓出新的研究課題。本書聚焦於數位人文在歷史研究的應用,所收錄之文章一方面呈現出歷史、文學、觀念史等領域如何運用數位化史料於研究中,另一方面也展現出當代社會可以更為多元地應用數位科技於歷史的保存、再現和應用。
Introduction: Digital Humanities and Historical Research
◆ 項潔、翁稷安
Part I 全球性取徑
Global Approach
The Integration of Technology, Content and Use in Digital Humanities: A New Digital Model for Exploring Our Amazing World, History and Culture
數位人文中科技、資訊與使用之整合── 一種用來探索這個令人讚嘆的世界、歷史與文化之數位新模式
◆ Ching-chih Chen
Digitalization: A Contemporary Opportunity for Bridging Historical Studies and Society
◆ 林滿紅
Transition of Urban Landscape with Kyo-machiya in Virtual Kyoto
從虛擬京都中的「京. 町家」看都市景觀的變遷
◆Toshikazu Seto, Takafusa Iizuka, Ayako Matsumoto, Takashi Kirimura, Keiji Yano, Tomoki Nakaya, Yuzuru Isoda
Part II 在地化應用
Local Adoption
19 世紀初期竹塹社與霄裡社的「社域」爭議── 兼論歷史資料庫的應用
Research on the Dispute on the Plains Aborigines’ Tribal Territory in the Early Nineteenth Century: Instrospection on the Application of the Historical Database
◆ 陳志豪
From Local Elite to Rebellion: An Example of the Dai Chao-Chun Family in Changhua County in the Qing Dynasty
◆ 李朝凱
The Application of the Taiwan History Digital Library (THDL) to the Research of Poetry and Prose regarding Customs in the Earlier Qing-Governed Period
◆ 林淑慧
Part III 觀念的改變
Idea Reconsideration
A Discussion of the Keyword Cluster and Meaning of Text Mining: Focusing on the “Qing Diplomatic Historical Data”
◆ 邱偉雲
The Background of China’s Communism: e Study of the Keyword “Gaizao”
◆ 姚育松
The “Isms” of the Digital Humanities
◆ 詹筌亦、王乃昕