Quantum Field Theory 本書譯為:基礎量子場論, 是所有高能理論的物理學家所推薦的一本量子場論入門的書. 原著內容簡潔易懂, 公式也整理的非常清楚. 著重於物理的概念的解說. 教導讀者在這個領域真正解決物理問題的方法 . 是學生與研究人員不需要參考太多額外的相關書籍就可以自修的一本書.
目 錄
Quantum Field Theory : Mandl & G. Shaw’s 2010
1. Photons & the Electromagenetic Field
2. Lagrangian Field Theory
3. The Klein-Gordon Field
4. The Dirac Field
5. Photons : Covariant Theory
6. The S-Matrix Expansion
7. Feynman Diagrams & Rules in QED
8. QED Processes in Lowest Order
9. Radiative Corrections
10. Regularization
11. Gauge Theories
12. Field Theory Methods
13. Path Integrals
14. Quantum Chromodynamics
15. Asymptotic Freedom
16. Weak Interactions
17. A Gauge Theory of Weak Interactions
18. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
19. The Standard Electro-Weak Interactions
(2) Appendix
A . Notations
B . Some basic concept in particle physics
C. t’ Hooft’s Dimensional regularization
D. The Dirac Equation
E. Feynman Propagators
F. Wick Theorem
G. Cross Section & Decay Rate
H. Discrete symmetries