炸雞肉沙拉 Crispy Chicken Salad with Honey Mustard、
馬鈴薯蛋沙拉Potato and Egg Salad、
凱薩沙拉Caesar Salad、
鮪魚沙拉Tuna Salad、
雞肉蔬菜沙拉Chicken and Vegetable Salad、
洋蔥湯 French Onion Soup、
羅宋湯Russian Style Beef Soup、
酥皮洋菇湯Puff Pastry on Mushroom Soup 、
海鮮濃湯Seafood Chowder
主菜 Entrees
培根鮮菇雞腿排Fried Chicken with Mushroom Sauce、
西芹甜椒烤雞腿Baked Chicken with Celery & Bell Peppers、
藍帶雞排Chicken Cordon Bleu、
葡國雞Baked Curry Chicken、
美式炸雞和高麗菜沙拉Fried Chicken with Cole Slaw、
起司香蒜烤雞排Baked Chicken Breast with Garlic & Cheese、
番茄燴雞 Braised Chicken with Fresh Tomato、
炸魚排佐塔塔醬Battered Fish with Tar-tar Sauce、
軟煎魚柳佐洋菇醬汁Fish Fillet with Mushroom Sauce、
奶油菠菜烤魚排Baked Fish with Creamy Spinach、
羅勒香蒜煎鮭魚Fried Salmon with Garlic Basil Sauce、
煎石斑佐洋蔥番茄醬汁Poached Sea Bass in Onion & Tomato Sauce、
起司焗烤明蝦Baked Prawns in Casserole、
吉利明蝦佐法式芥末醬Deep Fried Prawns with Mustard Sauce、
雙菇炒鮮蝦Saute’ed Shrimps with Mushrooms、
香煎培根鮮貝Pan Seared Scallops with Bacon、
芥末咖哩烤蟹肉Baked Crab with Curry & Mustard Sauce、
蒜味菲力牛肉Pan Fried Steak with Garlic and Black Pepper、
紅酒番茄燉牛肉Braised Beef with Red Wine、
肋眼牛排佐蘑菇醬Rib Eye with Mushroom Sauce、
匈牙利紅燴牛肉Hungarian Goulash、
迷迭香煎牛小排Pan Seared Ribs with Rosemary、
鮮蔬牛肉捲Beef Rolls with Vegetables、
茄汁洋蔥豬排Pork Tenderloins with Tomato Sauce、
西式炸豬排 Deep Fried Pork Chop 、
煎豬排佐蘋果醬汁Pork Chops with Apple Sauce、
甜椒炒節瓜 Saute’ed Zucchini、
蒜烤鮮菇Baked Mushrooms with Mixed Toppings、
烤馬鈴薯兩式 Baked Potatoes in Two Ways、
鮪魚菇盒Baked Mushrooms with Tuna
早餐及簡餐 Simple & Light
香蕉鬆餅 / 巧克力鬆餅Banana Pancakes / Pan Cakes with Walnut、
法式土司和水果燕麥牛奶 French Toast / Oats Milk with Fruits、
火腿洋菇起司蛋捲Ham & Mushroom Omelet with Salsa、
炒牛肉起司三明治Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich with Sweet Potato Fries、
酥炸魚排三明治Fried Fish Fillet Sandwich、
可頌蔬菜三明治Vegetarian Croissant Sandwich、
雞肉可麗餅Chicken and Spinach Crepes、
培根芽菜蛋餅Bacon and Alfalfa Crepes、
燻鮭魚水波蛋Egg Benedict with Smoke Salmon、
火腿蛋貝果 Bagels with Ham & Eggs、
洋菇漢堡排 Hamburgers with Saute’ed Mushrooms、
蝦仁奶油焗烤飯Baked Rice with Creamy Shrimp Sauce、
義大利蕃茄肉醬麵、 Spaghetti with Meat Sauce、
奶油蛤蜊天使麵Angel Hair with Creamy Seafood Sauce、
奶油青醬義大利寬麵Fettuccine with Pesto