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Progress in Partial Differential Equations The Metz Surveys 2
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This volume presents papers from the conferences given at the University of Metz in 1992, and presents some recent advances in various important domains of partial differential equations and applied mathematics. A special attempt has been made to make this work accessible to young researchers and non-specialists.
此叢書 Research Notes in Mathematics Series 書目
Integral Theorems for Functions and Differential Forms in C(m)
Edward Bond: Letters 5
Methods of Noncommutative Geometry for Group C*-Algebras
Quality is Everybody"s Business
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations,Volume V: Proceedings of the 13th Dundee Conference 1996
A Generalized Taylor"s Formula for Functions of Several Variables and Certain of its Applications
F Scott Fitzgerald Man (Code F
The Lecturer"s Guide to Quality and Standards in Colleges and Universities
The Lecturer"s Guide to Quality and Standards in Colleges and Universities
Byron X: Don Juan, Cantos XIV and XV: A Facsimile of the Drafts in the Berg Collection, the New York Public Library
Organic Chemist"s Desk Reference
Progress in Self Psychology, V. 1
Progress in Partial Differential Equations The Metz Surveys 2
書 評