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Linear Models with R
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Books on regression and the analysis of variance abound-many are introductory, many are theoretical. While most of them do serve a purpose, the fact remains that data analysis cannot be properly learned without actually doing it, and this means using a statistical software package. There are many of these to choose from as well, all with their particular strengths and weaknesses. Lately, however, one such package has begun to rise above the others thanks to its free availability, its versatility as a programming language, and its interactivity. That software is R.
In the first book that directly uses R to teach data analysis, Linear Models with R focuses on the practice of regression and analysis of variance. It clearly demonstrates the different methods available and more importantly, in which situations each one applies. It covers all of the standard topics, from the basics of estimation to missing data, factorial designs, and block designs, but it also includes discussion on topics, such as model uncertainty, rarely addressed in books of this type. The presentation incorporates an abundance of examples that clarify both the use of each technique and the conclusions one can draw from the results. All of the data sets used in the book are available for download from http://www.stat.lsa.umich.edu/~faraway/LMR/.
The author assumes that readers know the essentials of statistical inference and have a basic knowledge of data analysis, linear algebra, and calculus. The treatment reflects his view of statistical theory and his belief that qualitative statistical concepts, while somewhat more difficult to learn, are just as important because they enable us to practice statistics rather than just talk about it.
Julian J Faraway 其他作品
Extending the Linear Model with R: Generalized Linear, Mixed Effects and Nonparametric Regression Models
Linear Models with R
此叢書 Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science Se 書目
An Introduction to Statistical Inference and its Applications with R
Introduction to Probability with R
Derrida"s Legacies: Literature and Philosophy
Extending the Linear Model with R: Generalized Linear, Mixed Effects and Nonparametric Regression Models
Linear Models with R
Personality Topics in Honor of Jerry S. Wiggins: A Special Issue of Multivariate Behavioral Research
Supporting Children"s Learning in the Early Years
Understanding Children"s Learning: A Text for Teaching Assistants
Assessing Children"s Learning, Second Edition
The Caspian Region, Volume 1: A Re-Emerging Region
The Caspian Region, Volume 2: The Caucasus
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