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An Introduction to Statistical Inference and its Applications with R
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With an emphasis on explaining how and why statistical methods are used to analyze data, An Introduction to Statistical Inference and its Applications with R introduces several important procedures: one and two sample location problems, one way analysis of variance, and simple linear regression. The book presents numerous applications and supporting datasets throughout along with historical background to illustrate the material. Offering a modern approach that focuses on the interpretation of data, it features an appendix that provides instruction on the use of R as well as datasets and simulation. In addition, R code is available for download on the web.
此叢書 Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science Se 書目
An Introduction to Statistical Inference and its Applications with R
Introduction to Probability with R
Derrida"s Legacies: Literature and Philosophy
Extending the Linear Model with R: Generalized Linear, Mixed Effects and Nonparametric Regression Models
Linear Models with R
Personality Topics in Honor of Jerry S. Wiggins: A Special Issue of Multivariate Behavioral Research
Supporting Children"s Learning in the Early Years
Understanding Children"s Learning: A Text for Teaching Assistants
Assessing Children"s Learning, Second Edition
The Caspian Region, Volume 1: A Re-Emerging Region
The Caspian Region, Volume 2: The Caucasus
Survival Analysis Using S: Analysis of Time-to-Event Data
Hitler"s Women
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