「新創台灣」計畫分為兩個階段,目標是希望能夠從外國人的角度重新檢視台灣的新創生態圈 。
台灣現在越來越受到國際社會的關注,台灣不但擁有高品質的生活水準,在許多方面推動進步的政策,最近更成為了國際肯定的防疫典範,這也讓更多外國人開始考慮來台創業 。
這本書不只分享台灣政府的官方觀點、採訪了政府內部人士還獨家採訪了許多民營企業與外籍新創的創辦人 。
我們想邀請大家一起加入「新創台灣」計畫,在社群平台上用#StartupTaiwan這個 hashtag,向你的朋友與社群推廣台灣,我們希望藉此達成更遠大的目標,讓台灣受到更多外國人才的關注,甚至讓正在考慮回台灣的旅外台灣人能更加認識台灣的創業環境與潛力 。
Startup Taiwan is a two-fold campaign aimed at examining Taiwan’s startup ecosystem, from a foreigner’s point of view.
As Taiwan gains the attention of the international community because of its consistent top-ranked standard of living, landmark policies, and more recently its impeccable model of handling the coronavirus, more foreigners consider Taiwan as a place for opening up new businesses.?
The first fold of this campaign is promoting our guidebook Startup Taiwan: Foreigners Business Guide. It is our attempt to offer a balanced yet comprehensive guide on setting up a business in Taiwan, with a focus on only the crucial pieces of information that foreign entrepreneurs need.??
The book covers not only views from the key resource persons from the government, but also, exclusive interviews with private sector and foreign startup founders.??
The approach in writing this book, I believe to be unbiased, is from a decade of experience as a business journalist. We’ve consulted with more than 20 resource persons, various online foreign startup groups in Taiwan, and visited more than 50 webpages – all in our bid to refine key takeaways before publishing.
The second fold is bringing our key findings to the attention of all key players – the government, private sector, and entrepreneurs in general – so that we could together help streamline the current policies and procedures…
For example, I observed that while the government policies have improved over time, it seems lacking one key element and that is the effective communication of these new policies so that the economy could maximize its benefit from its freedom of government information.
Startup Taiwan is a call to promote this country to our friends and network on digital platforms using the hashtag #StartupTaiwan. This will direct the attention to the bigger goal of promoting Taiwan to foreign talents, even to those global Taiwanese who are considering coming back home.